Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I will say it quick because it has been a crazy exhausting week...

4AM Friday tropical storm raging outside, wind rain, wet kittens, I had to lock them inside the apartment~ they lived in this room, rather comfortably, though Blackie still wouldn't be touched, for four days. Litter training only took about five minutes. Finally yesterday after quick trauma we got them into carriers and to the vet, where they are resting after their spaying, they have also received all of their shots and had bloodwork. No fleas, no ear mites. YAY!
Blackie literally climbed the walls at the vet's office. She is a SUPERCAT! She had to be sedated, poor baby. We just went to visit them, poor scared shaky angels. Grey was very woozy and frightened, but still purred like a gravel motor. At least, under sedation, I finally got to pet Blacky and give her kisses. Everyone at the vet's office is in love with their cuteness. We get to bring them home tomorrow, YAY again! Then what?

I may need to sedated next.

Spay and neuter, folks, spay and neuter!!!

p.s. - we are still feeding the other strays (feral mommy, daddy, various neighborhood cats) on the porch and will do so as long as they come.

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