Friday, October 20, 2006

You need a kitten update!

Tabitha is sleeping in my lap, which makes it difficult to type but oh, the preciousness.... the preciousness...
Luna is asleep at my feet, she trusts me more every day, she loves being skritched and skratched, she is sleek and velvety smooth.

The introductions aren't going well. Galahad is curious and annoyed, he keeps trying to barge in the kitten's safe room. Gem is just curious, she wants to inspect but the little girls will have none, or very little of it. Zerena ocassionallly wanders near their door and has hissed at her sightings, but is the least interested (actually a good sign.) We have done sock, toy and bed exchanges, to familiarize scent, but introducing two kittens to three cats, five distinctive personalities, is daunting at best. Such a hard road still, over a week after everyone has been vaccinated, Tabby and Loony (nicknames of the day) are still in their safe room for 95% of the day.

Today I got the book CAT VS. CAT by Pam Johnson-Bennett, I ran through three chapters on the subway already, it is good, useful, insightful... if only Ms. Bennett knew our crazy situtation. I have also ordered Feliway, a product that has been around forever that I knew nothing of! Cat pheremone (synthetic) to calm cats and solve litter/scratching problems. Please let it be the miracle I have read it to be.

If you haven't guessed by now, it looks like we are keeping the kittens. This is my worst (best) rescue yet.

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