By now it is evident that I worship the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, notably John William Waterhouse. I have large and small prints of his all over the house, I will never get enough. Of course there are loads of Arthurian Art gracing the walls and tables... nothing could make me feel more at home.
Again, you do not need money to put beauty in your life. The big prints I found at National Wholesale Liquidators or poster shops online, and I framed them myself, with clearance frames that needed minor repair or paint. For small prints I make color copies from my books right here at home, and I have also printed things directly from the internet and put them in $1-$3 frames. And of course, you all know about framing cards and postcards ~ there is a small museum of Knights and Ladies around my bedroom door.
In the hallway also hangs a salute to Brian Froud's Faeries (the good ones) ~ these I took from an old calendar and used $4 frames from NWL.
Above the archway in the dining room is a row of medieval art that my sister and I took directly from the pages of a moldy old book, we used frames form the 99 cent store, removing the glass to make them light enough to hang with double sided tape.
I guess the only room not covered with art is tke kitchen ~ there is only a tin sign with Apu posing in front of the Kwik-E-Mart. That is a different kind of beauty.
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