Sunday, May 21, 2006

Hero with a Thousand Faces

Joseph Campbell has written the book on this subject (and many others of keen interest that took my young self down a peg - we are rarely the first to think a thought) and the very word sparks me. Joseph Campbell himself is something of a hero to me~ but is that the proper word? What are true heroes? Can a stranger to you truly be such a thing?

Personally, I think I am reserving it for my own heroes, those who are closest to me... My true love, my sister, whom I truly stand in awe of despite the fact that I have seen both in their most human moments. My cats can be my heroes, they save me daily from the dragons of stress and anger, even as I write this I am smiling and saying "Awwwww" - no, really, they are just that cute. I love them so much I am rescued.

There are so many persons upon which I bestow my glad admiration, but what is the true title, what category may I give them? Wait, maybe that's it there, yes, I have coined it myself. Ahh, babbling ramble proves fruitful! On to the next post!

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