Sunday, September 24, 2006

Killing them with Cuteness

If I haven't mentioned it before, CUTE OVERLOAD is the greatest website that ever was. So glad to hear that KittenWar is soon to be a book.

How can you not love a site with sections called THE DAILY KITTEN and CATS IN SINKS?

And yes, I have plenty to submit when I get around to it. That picture of Zerena showing off her belly truly belongs there.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Tabitha and Luna

This picture is from a few days ago. The girls have had their E-collars (lampshades) off for over a week. Tabitha put hers back on. How? We don't exactly know. She is so silly I cannot do it justice. She reminds me a lot of Zerena.

I must get some good shots of Luna stretching and showinf her white spotted belly. She is a magical moon cat.

That's right, they have official and final names now. They are still sequestered, still a lot of work, and oh my goodness we LOVE them.

Silly is an art form

for Zerena

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


The technical name for it is E-Collar. Not to be confused with spinach scare... ha ha! So green, so funny!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Walking the Floors

Mama loves to tell how she walked the floors with us as babies, all night, keeping her from sleep. Socializing feral kittens and trying to give special attention to your own pets to even the balance means little sleep for us, well, mostly me. I do not walk the floors, I sit on them and snuggle the little furballs and give them their medicine and all... More later with photos. Tabitha and Miranda (the Tempest) are doing very well indeed.

Latest incarnation of wedding plans: Midnight Ceremony on New Year's Eve! Everyone loves the idea... Problem: How (and where) to do it outdoors?

Yes, it still has to be outdoors!

In other news, I am very sad about the e colli spinach scare. Of all things, spinach~ one of the greatest foods there is... I can hear the moron contingent now, using this as an excuse to avoid healthy greens ~ the same morons who still don't care that Mad Cow disease and all of the other graphic unhealthy horrors of eating meat are ever present, and slowly killing them, every day.

Checklist: Kitten update, wedding thoughts, short angry vegan rant, yep, I'm done. Good night.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Kitten Return

Kittens home. E-Collars (plastic cones) on their heads. Upset, disoriented. Hiding. Twelve hours later... Blackie let me pet her. Then she got scared again. Grey is in love with me. Amoxicillin twice a day. Stitches out in two weeks. Sequestered room again. Two curled up sleeping now. My turn to pass out.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I will say it quick because it has been a crazy exhausting week...

4AM Friday tropical storm raging outside, wind rain, wet kittens, I had to lock them inside the apartment~ they lived in this room, rather comfortably, though Blackie still wouldn't be touched, for four days. Litter training only took about five minutes. Finally yesterday after quick trauma we got them into carriers and to the vet, where they are resting after their spaying, they have also received all of their shots and had bloodwork. No fleas, no ear mites. YAY!
Blackie literally climbed the walls at the vet's office. She is a SUPERCAT! She had to be sedated, poor baby. We just went to visit them, poor scared shaky angels. Grey was very woozy and frightened, but still purred like a gravel motor. At least, under sedation, I finally got to pet Blacky and give her kisses. Everyone at the vet's office is in love with their cuteness. We get to bring them home tomorrow, YAY again! Then what?

I may need to sedated next.

Spay and neuter, folks, spay and neuter!!!

p.s. - we are still feeding the other strays (feral mommy, daddy, various neighborhood cats) on the porch and will do so as long as they come.