Well, the family of stray cats who appeared in the courtyard have officially moved into my heart. We've been leaving food for them on the terrace every day for a week now, and they are already expecting the full dish in the wee hours of the morning. I leave the door open, so my three cats can watch the strays through the glass (screen) door. Today the little black kitten came nose to nose with Z. through the glass. You had to see it. Cuteness overload. I am trying to take photos without disturbing the scene (or the breakfast.)
I am not exaggerating, they are a whole family. Slim grey mommy cat with white boot feet, big black daddy cat with gorgeous green eyes and a tuft of white under his chin, and two heartbreaking girl kittens (I can tell by the shape of their eyes); one black with rust tint, one super fluffy grey and white, more fur than kitten. I would guess the kittens at about eight weeks old~ so so sweet!
What to do? I cannot take them in, it would be irresponsible to the three cats we have. It is very possible they belong to some very bad owners in the neighborhood. The courtyard is vast, rows of backyard gardens, if a stray kitty has to live somewhere in the city, this is the place. But they need veterinary care, they need to be spayed and neutered, they need proper, constant food and water, and they need more love.
I'll see where this relationship goes; I don't think the mommy or daddy would ever let me near, but I might be able to actually touch the kittens if I take it slow. Then at least I could take them for a check up, put their pictures up for adoption at my vet's, though ideally the family should stick together. This is one of the few times in my life I wish I had a car, to get to shelters - though shelters, even the great no-kill shelters, are so overwhelmed and over-packed.
Six million cats and dogs are euthanized in the U.S. every year, because people do not spay and neuter, and breeders are allowed to keep breeding, so breeders and pet store owners can rake in profits from misery and death. Every animal advocacy group on earth recommends the same simple solution: SPAY, NEUTER, ADOPT... Spread the word.
Those of you who know me, if you know anyone loyal, reliable, and willing to open their home, send me an email. I'll keep you posted and hopefully have pictures soon. For now we have two sets of cats, three indoor and four outdoor, and they are all pure love.
How long can I go without talking about my favorite books? Like so many, so much I cannot begin for there is far too many and way too much... I love reading. As I've said before, I was raised by fairy tales, they taught me so well. I think readers take to the internet so well, because, well, we spend most of our time here reading. And if you are an obsessive, you'll read twenty things at once while writing emails and message board replies and playing games and bidding on eBay and learning barely useful but fascinating information from random sites and it satisfies the crave for over-stimulation. Ahhhhhh...
I do not read to talk about books, but I do enjoy it when I find an interested ear. If I mention it, it is out of love, or interest to share, or occasionally warn. I do not speak of books simply to tell you what I have read.
People acting pretentious is a common gripe of mine, and pretensions of reading are one of their greatest sins, in my eyes. I laugh at people who carry books around to show other people what they are reading, I roll my eyes at book reviews (just about any) I sigh when I hear someone pretending they've read a book that they haven't, I giggle when I hear someone claiming to have read every classic, and liking every classic. Who are these people trying to impress? When I see a person on the subway wrapped up in a romance or mystery novel with a tacky cover, I know I am in the presence of a true reader, enjoying a story. When I see someone on the subway holding Sartre or any New-York-Times-Approved-Heavy-Tome high off of their lap to make sure their fellow riders can see it, I know I am in the presence of a poser.
I read for pleasure first, and always. I read for learning second, which generally fits into the first category of pleasure. I hope overall, I never stop learning, and that reading helps me to be a better person, but these are still side effects.
Real readers read for love of it, and they do not care if you see them or not.
When rich and famous movie stars star in "independent films" it reminds me of rich kids dressing like they're poor, living in "bad neighborhoods" to be more "real." These people are clowns.
I waited, I prayed. I waited, I prayed.
I forgot I was supposed to dance.
(excerpt from Angst by B. DiNicola copyright 2001 Straggletag Press)
VANILLA CAKE(Serves 8, Vegan) Here’s a simple white cake recipe.
1/2 cup soft soy margarine 2-3/4 cups all-purpose white flour 2 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons Ener-G Egg Replacer (+1/4 cup water)3/4 cup soy milk 1/2 cup water 1-3/4 cups sugar 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract Spray two round 8" x 1-2/3" pans with non-stick spray, or lightly oil and flour. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Combine flour, baking powder, and salt and set aside. Mix Egg Replacer and 1/4 cup water and set aside. Mix soy milk and 1/2 cup water, and set aside.
In large bowl of electric mixer, beat soy margarine until it is creamy, about a minute. Gradually add sugar until well creamed. Beat in vanilla. Add mixed dry ingredients and mixed soy milk/water alternately to creamed margarine, sugar, and vanilla, beating after each addition. Begin and end with flour mixture. (Add flour in 4 steps, liquids in three.) Add mixed Ener-G along with the third addition of liquid. Turn evenly into pans.
Bake at 375 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes, or until done (wooden pick inserted into cake comes out clean). Remove from oven and let cool on cake rack for 10 minutes. Remove from pans and let cool on rack until cold. Frost as desired.Leave some on your window or at your door for the good folk!

Now see that noble and most sovereign reason Like sweet bells jangled, out of time and harsh, That unmatched form and feature of blown youth Blasted with ecstasy.